Petra in a snow globe!

I have been excited about this for few months now. A friend of mine and I realized that, unlike a lot of other countries, Jordan doesn’t offer its historical monuments for people who visit us in snow globes. We do have different kinds of souvenirs, some are good and some are not, but we haven’t seen anything as attractive to the eye of a tourist as a snow globe. The most common worldwide item one can pick from a new country he visits is missing! It might be just our personal intake on this, but we believe that Jordan’s sourvenirs market, for sure, was in shortage of snow globes – and many other items we have in our mind for future imports -.

We started with the world wonder Petra and the Roman Amphi theatre in Jerash. We have two designs of one size for now but we have different ideas: different designs, other monuments, and different sizes for the future. We still need to do a lot of marketing work, contacting different souvenirs shops in the country to place our items in them. For now, we sell them first hand ourselves, and have them available at Books@cafe.

If you are interested in getting one of our snow globes, you can either contact me at: 079 7320985, or pay a visit for the mailto:oBooks@cafe for now.


  1. Good for you Fadi!I will ask sister to get me some when she visits in the summer.And by the way, you should do sand globes, that is kinda fun, petra would be run by a sand storm. Hehehehe


  2. kinzi, you want two? woohooo. How would you like me to deliver them to you? or you can pick them up from books@cafe? 🙂I am glad you like them. 7aki fadi, thanks :). Actually, yes, a lot of people mentioned the sand thins! They say: it doesn’t snow in Petra! They are right! but hey, sand doesn’t look good in those globes, snow does 🙂


  3. BRILLIANT!!!!! Love it! so simple.. I’m impressed 🙂 Good luck and hope you sell a gazillion of them!


  4. Beautiful beautiful beautiful idea, i collect snowglobes and have been looking for a jordanian globe since ages.Looking forward to future designs


  5. Hi,

    My name is Ayu from Malaysia. I’m a snow globe collectors. Just wondering if u can shipping both Jordan snow globe to Malaysia? Can i pay using Pay Pal?


  6. Hi,

    It’s me again… My name is Ayu from Malaysia. I’m a snow globe collectors. Just wondering if u can shipping both Jordan snow globe to Malaysia? Can i pay using Pay Pal?


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