Untamed Arab API break taboos – SVD article

Me and Nas in an article about Arab blogs in SVD (the second largest morning newspaper in Sweden).

It is only me who write on this blog, and I didn’t say that I do not want to disclose my identity online! I answered those questions to the writer of this article in an email! Obviously something went wrong!

Here is it in swedish.


  1. Hi there, i read that article and got so happy to see you mentioned there… 🙂 THe writer is a woman though 🙂 🙂 How is things back in Amman? Are you having a good time? Miss you!


  2. Well that Alexandra Sandels is a total bitch, how could you be a journalist, live in Beirut and initially think that Jordan is nothing more than a big desert with camels, Petra and boredom? Not quite investigative are we?(I know that she says through Nas’ blog, you learn that there is more to Jordan than this, but she is talking about Jordan as if it’s well known for this and only this!).


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