Palestinians flee to Israel?!!

Have I heard the news right?

Palestinians from Gaza are fleeing towards Israel after Hamas taking on control!

Have I ever dreamt of the day where Palestinians run to Israel out of fear of their follow brothers prosecuting them?!

What kind of a misrable situation we have reached!

I never thought we would ever reach this low! and we did! I wonder if there can be anything worse!


  1. I would not be surprised, Fadi, after all that has been happening. If their enemy did not kill them, their brothers will, so they are better off running towards their enemies.What do people expect out of a country who has been so long imprisoned that they more or less lost all hope of living a normal life, and no one cares to do anything but talk and talk and talk?They are running out of options. I can’t blame them for their decision, given the circumstances they are in.God bless.


  2. I don’t blame them either Kj, it is just sad to see us reaching this point. I have never ever imagine that such thing would happen, even in my widest dream(nightmare)!


  3. It is upsetting, I understand. What surprises me a lot is that a large sum of individuals like us (practically all citizens) are upset over what is happening but we cannot do anything because our governments forbid us (or limits us) in helping, other than charity, which is ridiculous as no amount of money can help anyone in such a situation.Prayers don’t seem to be helping either, as the past 50 years have proven. Priests and Sheikhs blame us for our lack of faith, and thus God is not willing to listen (kind of ridiculous don’t you think? And then in a different khutba they say God listens to a kafir even moreso than an Muslim).I can’t imagine anything being done at this point except that everyone waits till no Palestinians exist inside Palestine itself, then the whole world would feel bad and would start rebuilding again.


  4. Kj, I don’t think that even if our government allowed us that there is much we can do! The culture built in Palastine among the current generation of fighting the occupation ruined their spirit. There are a lot of poverty, bitterness and hatred along with power plays! It is sad how the holy land has turned into hell! As you said, faith doesnt seem to help either! Moey, thanks man.


  5. Do not believe every thing you hear .. my parents are in Gazza and I just called them and they are fine .. believe it or not the situation is much safer now. ONLY criminals flee to Israel.


  6. Anonymous, what on earth are you saying, criminals going to israel? is it a safe haven? there is nothin that could make anyone think that the situation is stable, more than 100 died and we basicall forget about them, are we that cheap!! im angry to the fact i could slap any Hamas or Fateh member in the Face, justified or not, maybe they need a wake up call !!!


  7. Anonymous, maybe your parents are just fine, but there are others who are not! I know someone who lost all of her possession because of the fires of Hamas!Bashar, I am angry as well! They are destroying what is left of a possible life in palestine!Antizionist, dahlan gang or not, this isnt justified!


  8. C’mon guys why are you surprised? Us Arabs are the ones killing each other, not just in Palestine, look around you!The question is when are they gonna wake up and realize how gullible they are? SorryOh and happy birthday 🙂


  9. Elijah, I guess they would never wake up!! :SThanks for the bday wishes.Jamal, I am not sure how much we can put a blame on Israel of splitting us. We are splitted because each party is looking for more power. They have taught this at school. I remember Miss Fardoos (history teacher) explaining divide and conquer to explain the French and English ruling to the Arab world and how we ended in seperate countries!Now, I don’t believe that was the case. It has more to do with families within us struggling on power rather than the occupation injection of it.


  10. This is true my friend every party serves different interest. This is what they are taking advantage of. In my opinion it is not only Israel, it is the US the EU, NATO ….We can’t see the circumstances locally but to link it with Iraq, Lebanon, the relations between Russia and the US and EU. With two words it is a part of the energy war that we are into these days


  11. I am not sure how much truth in it. I mean it is puzzling what is happening around us in Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine, but I think that each case is different than the other. Maybe they are linked in a way where our culture were built for several years in creating Muslim extremist that have only one goal which is to free the occupied terretories. Yes at one point, it was funded by the US administation to fight against the USSR in Afghanastan, but not it backfired on the US and on us as well. I think it has much more to do with that than the energy war.


  12. Isn’t it interesting that all of the recent wars are based on religion rather than simple territory, like it was in the long past?Religion is not what is used to be.


  13. There is no war throughout history that happened for religious reasons. Even the crusaders had economic reason.The islamists were found from the British and then from the US to stop the arab nationalism we must not forget this.They still play this role specialy groups with terrorist act. The question always is “for this act who is getting benefit of??”. For example with the 9/11 who got benefit of??After this act all the goverments established laws that where against their people, they made the war in Afghanistan and many many other things….. What i want to say is that the only one that got a benefit from 9/11 is the US goverment and theit allies in all over the world is this act so inocent???


  14. Jamal, religion may not have been the real reason behind wars, but it has always been a tool to control people and push them to fight each other. People in power have always used the fear of their nations in order to maintain their role and expand it. Islamists were found not to destroy the Arabic nationality, but to fight the spread of communism. Now that communism is over, it became the major threat to the US and the West.I usually try to abide from believing in conspiracy theories. We usually give others more credit that they are actually capable of.


  15. I totally agree with you about the role of religion and the Islamists. When i said arab nationalism i meant all the political parties that had this so called arab socialism ideology!!Just one thing i want to add. I am not into a conspiracy logic and i agree with you in your point. I only say that there are acts from different groups that help other powers to take advantage of them. Let me tell you one example: In Greece every time the popular movement rises and fights for its rights we have many attacks from anarchist groups (bombings in buildings, attacks on police department ….) the government use this groups, i have many data to confirm my argument, even pictures!!, this policy was practiced and in different European countries for example in Genoa, the days of the anti EU summit that was held there, there were people with covered heads (anarchists they said) that were getting out the police cars and the TV caught them!!This is not a conspiracy it is a political tactic. The German government for example burned the Reichstags (the German parliament) in the 20s- 30s they said that communist did it and attacked them. It is an old story and has nothing to do with conspiracy!!


  16. Arab Observer,I am happy to see “Arabs” divided into 22 states by the modern Christian Crusaders, English and French.There is no such thing as an “Arab” Christian and these are the plain facts:1. Egyptian Christians are not [ethnic] Arabs but ethnic Copts and their mother tongue is Coptic Bohieric Dialect!!2. Jordanian Christians are ethnic Greeks and they used to speak Koine Greek!!That’s why Arabs do not have a single ethnic appearance but many different looks, some Black like Africans, while others White like Europeans!You, ‘Arab Observer’ are NOT Arab but a Greek! Race is an artificial cultural construct that can be changed at whim.JORDANIANS should create Jordanian nationalism and love the Jewish ethnic as our common enemy is Palestinians.Its nice to see the Palestinians fight themselves, murder themselves and plunder themselves. The winner is Israel, the chosen nation of God.I am a Kurdish Christian and I hate Arabs as they are dogs and animals.


  17. Jamal, in that case, I agree with you. It reminds me of what is happening in lebanon by the Syrian authorities. Kurds who hates arab, I really don’t blame you for hating us. I mean that I understand the horrible thing Saddam Hussen has done to your nation.I just wish you can see better than that, like not generalizing us all for the sins of one person. A person who terrorized his nation as much as he did to yours! There has been Arab Christian before even Greek Christians. I am an Arab and Jordanian. I have a palestinian origin. I feel the race bond with all the Arabs in the different Arab countries. Yes, we should learn to be able to live with the Jews, but Palestinians are our brothers. We can all live togather if we set our hatred aside. And please, try to avoid hatred language.


  18. the observer wrote:<>Kurds who hates arab, I really don’t blame you for hating us. I mean that I understand the horrible thing Saddam Hussen has done to your nation.<>Then why do you protest when Christian America invaded Iraq to liberate the Kurds from Arab aggression, colonism and apartheid?<>I just wish you can see better than that, like not generalizing us all for the sins of one person. A person who terrorized his nation as much as he did to yours! <>I am not ‘generalizing’ as the sins of this one person (ie Saddam) derive from the evil ideology, Arabism, which is worst than Zionism. Arabism is a form of colonism and ethnic apartheid. Have you noticed Arab racism towards Copts, Kurds and Jews?<>There has been Arab Christian before even Greek Christians.<>If there has been, then can you name me even one Arab Christian before the Arab-Islamic invasion of Byzantine Roman Empire led by Caliph Umar?Also, can you tell us why is the New Testament originally written in Koine Greek not Arabic?<>I am an Arab and Jordanian.<>You are intentionally dishonest about your ethnic heritage. Jordanians were originally Greek-speaking, just as Egyptians were originally Coptic-speaking and it was only after Islamic invasion, Arabisation began. Today, Egypt and Jordan are Arabic-speaking countries yet Egyptians are racially Copts, while Jordanians are racially Greeks. You, Fadi, are ethnically Greek and Jordanian and you should know ethnicity/race cannot be changed! Also, your religion is Greek Orthodox.<> I have a palestinian origin. I feel the race bond with all the Arabs in the different Arab countries.<>The so-called “Arab” peoples of Palestine and Jordan are racially similar as both are ethnic Greeks (Romans) so certainly you have a race bond. But Egyptians are racially Copts whose mother tongue was Coptic language! So, how do you feel race bond with Egyptians? Also, eventhough you insist you are “Arab”, I say you, Fadi are a Greek Christian! You may deny you are ethnic Greek but let us be honest: you have been Arabised by the Muslims and lost your Hellenik identity! Palestinians were Greek-speaking and that is why they are still called Greek Orthodox!<>Yes, we should learn to be able to live with the Jews, but Palestinians are our brothers.<>Does “live with the Jews” mean Arabising the Jews? Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak offered to return Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem to create a new Palestinian State but Arab racist, Yassir Arafat rejected the very generous offer and insisted Arab refugees in regional countries like Jordan be allowed to return to Israel proper! Now that’s unreasonable and racist as it is tantamount to Arabising Israel and de-Judaizing it! To be Israeli is to be Jewish meaning speaking Hebrew as your mother tongue!<> We can all live togather if we set our hatred aside. <>We certainly can live together but this can only happen if Kurds, Jews, Copts and other ethnic groups are not forced to speak Arabic against their will. Speaking Arabic not only makes us “Arab” but also spreads Islam indirectly!Jesus our Lord was an ethnic Jew, same race as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert! Old Testament of the Bible, which is called Torah is written in Hebrew, the official language of Israel.<>And please, try to avoid hatred language.<>Ok, I will try to avoid hatred language but you too should stop lying that you are an Arab! From my research, you are an “Arabised Jordanian” whose ancestors spoke Koine Greek!!


  19. the kurd who hates arabs, What a long reply from you :). I would try to answer your question in a way that gives you your right.Why did you assume that I was against the American invasion to Iraq? America isn’t Chritians. I was (now regretting it) with the war, because I thought that there wont be anything worse than Saddam’s regeme. Not just for the kurds, but also for all the Iraqi people. Arabism is not an evil ideology. Saddam is a no different terrant than Hitler, Sharon or even Bush!Do you know that Prophet Mohammad uncle was Christian? Arabic christian. How did you assume that I belong to the Greece race without even studing my genetic heritage? I may be wrong about my Arabic race, and yes may be dishonest if you take it literally as of genetic heritage rather than a cultural heritage, but who knows? I have much more commonolity with my fellow Arabs rather than what I have with Greeks. I guess that everyone is forced to speak English these days! No one can really force you to speak the language you like no matter where you live. English is dominating the world. Jews, Kurds and Arabs all speak English now 🙂 Go figure out. Do you know that Propher Mohammad uncle was a Christian? He was an Arab Christian.


  20. Dear Observer,Your friend “antizionist” says “Zionist are the scum of this earth,we will get rid of you soon or later.”This shows you are rabidly anti-Semitic racist who allows hatred towards Jewish people and their right to Jewish identity to be published on your blog.Zionism is like Arabism, a form of nationalism and allowed under the international human rights laws codified in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Zionism is Jewish nationalism and centers around encouraging North African and Middle Eastern unity by creating a Hebrew-speaking people.Arabism is Arab nationalism and centers around encouraging North African and Middle Eastern unity by creating an Arabic-speaking people.


  21. Muhammad Abdullah, if you have read the comments, you would find a Kurdi guy speaking about his hatred for Arab. I allowed him to speak up his mind on my blog eventhough I am in fact an ARAB. I am not an anti-semitic. Arabs are semitic, I can’t be against my own race. And for your info, no I don’t hate Jews as a race, and I don’t spread hatred and racism. I am a peace advocate.


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