Jordan can be a target for Gay pilgrimage

Tourism is one of the major sectors the goverment of Jordan is concentrating on in order to help the devlopment of the economy in this country. A country that has very few natural resources, and where it’s main asset lies in it is people.

Same-sex tourism is booming around the world. Nearly 10% of the world revenue from tourism is gerenated through same-sex couples tourism which according to researchers spend more than the usual tourist because they have more disposal income at their hands due to their lack of support for children.

Israel, our neighnour Jews state, realizing the amount of money this sector can generate (especially through Europiean gay couples), and despite the laws against same-sex practices in the Torah, is planning to turn its capital Tel Aviv into the gay capital of the world .

Sadom and Gomorrah, the two cities which were burnt into aches as mentioned in the old testament due to the sins of its people which Jews and Christian scholars interpreted it to be same-sex practices, lies in Jordan.

Due to the rise in human rights awarness, the scientific proof that homosexuality is not a mental disease, and the increased acceptance of gay people around the world. Some of Christian scholars in the US are going back to those bible versus and re-interpret them. The sin that caused the burn of the two cities seem to be a group rape – not same-sex practices.

I leave the interprtation of the versus to religious scholars. What I am presenting here is an idea to revive those burnt cities.

It might be a shocking idea to many religious people who reject same-sex practices, but I believe that if we managed to implement it, it can bring much income to our country where everyone would benefit from.

The idea is to re-represent the two cities that were once the reason of condemnation for gay people among the world in a new light. A light of forgiveness and acceptance. A light of a globally agreed human rights laws. Those cities can serve as a memorial for all the gay people who were condemened before becaus of others mis-interpretation to the bible versus. Those cities can serve as a magnet point to attract many gay people around the world to the very first place where they were mentioned and condemned.

We can add some religious dimensions to what we have and end up in a yearly gay pilgrimage to those cities.

Pilgrimage for religious reasons is a strong magnet of attraction to people around the world. In Saudia Arabia it is the second largest source of income, it generates approximatly $10 billion annually.

Is it a weired idea to the people of Jordan? Yes.
Is it hard to implement due to the social and moral constraints of our society? Yes.

But I believe that we have an ace here. An idea that can generate millions. It can be our own oil. what we really need to push our economy and raise our living standand.


  1. I put my hand with you in approval (not in a gay way) of the idea. But you gotta remember that The Sodom and Gomorrah (Lut’s people) were gays.We gotta find a way to attract lesbians. 😦


  2. I’ve come across so many ridiculous ideas in my life, but by far, this is the most absurd idea I’ve ever heard of!I’m not a religious person, but I would never tolerate someone who compares Hajj to a gang-bang! Show some respect PLEASE! Better yet, delete the whole post and save yourself some face!If you want to meet lots of gays go to LA for Gods sake!


  3. While I was reading, I didn’t find any kind of disrespectful connection between Hajj and collecting the wealthy gay couples’ money. I mean, seriously, there are more obvious ways to connect Hajj to gang-bangs.I find it funny that, especially the dead sea, seems like a religious symbol for the gay crowds!! Are they going there to meet their ancestors or what?! Its like the modern equivalent of Jews going to the “extermination camps” for tourism!!


  4. <>saadna<>: <>(do read this before you reply with another stupid comment<>)Your comment was so absurd, ridiculous and irrelevant, I regret taking the time to reply to it, but I did it anyways, hoping it’ll shut you up, and if it didn’t then your just being stubborn because you’re plain stupid! So just shut up anyways.The stupidity and naiveness, my perverted acquaintance, is to think you’re the best judge of the religious/social situation in Jordan.Did you even read my comment or you’re just retaliating and acting as a spokesperson because I’m holding on to principles and values I strongly believe in (and which happens to be exactly the opposite of what you people are preaching)?Did I say that Jordan is gay-free? Or is that just lack of intelligence on your behalf? I know there are gays in Jordan, this blog is proof!! But to suggest turning a reputable, honorable Kingdom into an ignominious Whoredom? A new Babylon for the likes of you? No my dim-witted acquaintance, this should not go unnoticed!And I only chose LA because if he wants gay orgies, then LA would be the best place, unless you know of somewhere else, because you sure seem to be <>a subject matter expert here!<>But in all honestly, did I expect anything less from an idiot like you who lives in a place <>“people refer to as a Gay Paradise”<>? Not really … explains why and who you’re siding with here …


  5. Observer,I know that most of your posts are controversial, but seriously bro it seems that you are talking from san fransisco- not LA ya 6abel- I am not that relegious, but you must understand that jordan is a muslim country, and by muslim I mean that more than 90% of the population are muslims, maybe we have some athiests but you can walk in the streets on a friday noon to see what kind of country we are..This is just soooo extreme even here in the US, I live in chicago and lastt year I think we had the “gay olympics”, they said it would generate money but it didn’t; we had a drought that year;)I as a muslim will not judge a human being based on their sexual orientation and I don’t care, but people also have the right to express their disgust of such acts, it is a two way street here(freedom that is)!!Good luck..


  6. bas dalku suffu 7aki!! you wanna end up as pimps to get more money,, woow ya nyalna bi heik ummeh!Fadi, this is not the way development or awareness is achieved, <>you dont flood a new idea to make people accept it<>and yeah Saadna Jordan is not LA and will never be like LA coz simply its better than LA in my opinion, we dont need to be a copy of anything else and if there is a gay minority in Jordan it doesn’t mean that if they are accepted out there with festivities, inno necessarily to be accepted here, there is history in this region, there is culture, this region is part of the 3 religions <>holy land<> if you get this too.. and in a very simple manner <>(majority rules)<> and we need like years and years to get naked guys and girls to pose in shops. Amsterdam fi Amman could be a good marketing campaign,, GOOD LUCK. my final note is: you can do that and make this place a gay city, you can get people to walk naked in the streets but you as well can’t stop extreme religious people from growing too.. you can’t stop them from bringing up more suiciders too.. did you get what im saying. PEOPLE ARE GETTING WORSE WITH THEIR BELIEFS. and you think you are so open????


  7. Yep … we can get a lot of money by prostitutionalization everything in the country … Yeah sure it makes more money.We should promote tourism, we have a million things to improve “first” before we get so desperate as to seek out “alternate” methods of promoting tourism


  8. Hamza, if you look closely to the story in the bible, you would see the condemnation is more about group sex rather than same-sex practices. Those people cannot all be gay.Who-Sane, Devil’s mind, I meant no disrespect to hajj. Pilgrimage isn’t explicit to Islam. Christians have their own piglrimage targets as well. It most certainly can be a holy matter for Christian gays to visit the land where their first condemnation were based at.Saadna, thanks :). Sure Jordan has as many gays as any other country in the world.Who-Sane, please try to adhere from personal insults. Lets argue as adults here. Can you please point to me where did I mention orgies in my post??!! Being gay doesn’t mean a person is morally corrupted!Mohannad, you are right, it is hard here, but look at Israel, it is hard there as well but yet they acknowledge the benefits they can gain. Tala, I am not trying to develop awarnace here. I am just presenting an idea that would generate billions for Jordanians. Many might see it immoral, but many others don’tQwaider, I havent mentioned legalizing prostituion. It is an entirly different matter which I would gladly discuss in another post. It has its own benefits and shortages. Gay tourism is different than prostitution, you know that right?Moey, what do you mean?


  9. This is the most stupid post I’ve ever read…. BTW … I know that you are gay… We all know that.. even we discussed this in our last meeting… So no need to hide it any more .. and you can go to your “neighbors” in Israel… I’m sure you will be satisfied there… and you know what you can take Saadna with you .. boy, you will make a pefect couple..


  10. <>observer<>: are you OUT OF YOUR MIND! GOD! What is wrong with you people?7abeebi why are you so confident that Gay tourism would generate “billions”? Didn’t you think of the problems / condemns / shame / TERRORISM, THAT would bring to Jordan locally and on a regional scale?<>Values, principles, morals, ethics, honor<> … do these words mean anything to you? AT ALL? Or you’re simply willing to let go of them (assuming you have heard of them) just for the sake of generating a couple of extra bucks a year!And you didn’t explicitly mention the word orgy, but what do you call a thousand <><>faggots and dykes<><> in one spot? Pilgrimage? I call it an enormous orgie!Keep it real observer, if it’s for controversy’s sake, there are other ways to be infamously controversial, but please, spare us this sickening controversy … don’t be deluded and mislead others into appalling ideas!


  11. Saadna, sorry dear, I have no idea about such sites. Try . Maybe they have it. Anonymous, who are you? Who-sane, Values, principles, morals, ethics, honor? Believe me, I have all those. No need for personal insults. Gay friendly touristic areas doesn’t mean orgies! I am not getting here into a debate about how moral/immoral a gay person can be. It is obvious that we see this thing from different point of view. We can shout and scream as much as we want, and let this opportunity slip out from our hands just because we refuse to be more tolerante to a group of people who differ from us in their sexual orientation. We have restricted our women from becoming a real part of the development of our society for a long time because of a backward mentality that labelled women outside the house to be an immoral behaviour. It is the same happening here. We miss a lot because we refuse to look and be more fair towards the others!


  12. I will not comment from a religious view.In the Post it says:”…it can bring much income to our country where everyone would benefit from. “My question is: Can we merchandise with everything?? Religious stories, Sexual likes, Ideas, History….????What is your opinion about “trafficking”, about countries in the far east that sell(rent!!) little children for the tastes of the europeans?? This kind of economies, that you say in yor Blog, bring with them prostitution, Drugs, human abjection.Human being is not a merchandise and we must fight for this.For the rise of an economy we must discuss of how we will produce, not only how we are going to sell.


  13. Jamal, what I am suggesting is different of what are talking about. Sexual orientation choice is part of the global human right law. If people don’t tolerate gays because of their religious views, then it is their problem. I am asking for generating money without VIOLATING human rights laws.


  14. and that’s not to mention all the creepy sexually transmitted diseases this ridiculous idea will bring to our nation! Did you think of that?and I’m sure you know that AIDS is widespread amongst gay communities.


  15. Who-Sane, man, AIDS is a virus that is transmitted between people who are infected and don’t use protection while having sex. Yes, it is more widespread in the gay community, but my idea is not to have a sexual oriented city! The idea is not about sex! It is about having a gay friendly city for gay couples and gay family. There should be certainly some rules against certain inappropriate behaviours.


  16. Come on GUYS cant u see it.. HE IS GAY .. Even he mentioned something about gays families.. mmm.. OK Fadi .. Time to say the truth .. believe me no need to hide any more .. NO NEED, EVERYBODY KNOWS.. Just go out there and look for your perfect mate who will satisfy you.. But pls one thing.. try to get out of Jordan because we really want to keep straight ppl only here, in fact according to straight ppl rules we have TWO choices for you 1- Send you to some hospital.2- KILL YOU.


  17. Mr anonymous,If you don’t like someones idea you can fight it with other ideas. You only swear and make yourself ridiculous because you say nothing.I DON NOT support this idea and i tried to fight it but you do nothing.If you are so man why you don’t say your name???ALRIJAL LA YALPISOUN AL HIJAB!!!!


  18. @ anonymous 2:08 pm: while I totally disagree with Fadi here on his bizarre idea, I also don’t think threatening people’s lives anonymously is an intelligent way of dealing with things.


  19. What some might not have realized, some gays have already sought Jordan for their gay tourism!! Check < HREF="" REL="nofollow">this out<>!! This must be scary, its already happening!! People, get your arms and head to the dead sea!! The GOD-DAMNED Luts are back!!


  20. Jamal, Who-sane, thanks. It is not easy to communicate with someone hideing under an Anonymous name and spread hatred!Guys, have you notice Saadna’s comments deleted? I think she only can delete her own comments, or I can do that. I didn’t. What’s wrong Saad?Devil’s mind, lol! What a shocking news! It is the end of time! lol


  21. Fadi.Are you like serious when you write a post like this, inno you are really proposing this? I totally agree with Jamal-Odysseas Maaita:“This kind of economies, that you say in your Blog, bring with them prostitution, Drugs, human abjection.” Why? Because Jordan is not ready and it’s a developing country. Lets wipe out other problems first before we call for gay rights, work on honour killings for example? Improve living conditions for rural areas? Maybe enhance the transit system so tourists can actually go around???And I second what Qwaider said: “We should promote tourism, we have a million things to improve “first” before we get so desperate as to seek out “alternate” methods of promoting tourism”Your idea is kinda “silly” and will never work. Not in Jordan anyways.So Fadi, do you blog things like this for controversy’s sake? Or is there a reason behind it? Just curious 🙂


  22. My first time bloggin here…or anywhere else for that matter…I had quickly reviewed some of the previous blogs on this site and something struck me. Why do you Jordanian guys & girls look at things from a “society” perspective? I mean if u r Christian or atheist, then that’s fine but if u r muslim, then that doesn’t make any sense!! Aren’t muslims (and Jews similarly) guided by Shari3a law?? Am half Jordanian & muslim by the way…


  23. I’m appalled by all of the rude insults that are being hurled at Fadi for merely expressing his thoughts and vision on his own blog. Most of the replies are very reactionary ones, some people are still living in the stone age and don’t know that we are in the 21st century.Fadi is a visionary Jordanian, a rare commodity if you will, only few of us can understand his innovation, highly assertive way of thinking. If you don’t like his idea just say so or attack the idea without having to attack him personally and bruise his feelings. I don’t know how much more back warded do you guys want to be!Fadi I hope that you aren’t discouraged by all of this tremendous vicious personal attacks. Rest assured my friend you are very tolerant, intelligent, and very understanding person. I’m sure that you have the wherewithal to shake off this weightless pollen.


  24. I’m appalled by all of the rude insults that are being hurled at Fadi for merely expressing his thoughts and vision on his own blog. Most of the replies are very reactionary in nature, some people are still living in the stone age and don’t know that we are in the 21st century.Fadi is a visionary Jordanian, a rare commodity if you will, only few of us can understand his innovative, highly assertive way of thinking. If you don’t like his idea just say so or attack the idea without having to attack him personally and bruise his feelings. I don’t know how much more back warded do you guys want to be!Fadi I hope that you aren’t discouraged by all of this tremendous vicious personal attacks. Rest assured my friend you are very tolerant, intelligent, and very understanding person. I’m sure that you have the wherewithal to shake off this weightless pollen.


  25. Why are those in favor of this silly idea commenting anonymously? This only goes to show how preposterous the idea is and that people who support it are ashamed of revealing their true identity.


  26. 7aki fadi, I highly regard you and your opinions, we usually agree, but this time seems different. we see differently here. i respect your stand.To answer you, not I don’t have a hidden intention here by presenting this idea. It is clear what i m asking for. We have a golden opportunity to attract millions of tourists to Saddom and Gamora the two historrical cities which can have as much value as Petra.This is not a call for prostitution or drug economy. I dont think that we should go step at a time in trying to improve human rights in jordan. It all can progress in parallelanonymous1, i guess that our individuality here is not as strong as in the west. Society rigid rules dictates our lives. unfortunatly causing many problems!anonymous2, THANK YOU. It means a lot to me to hear such words between all those attacks. Dont worry about me, i guess that i can handle objections like this so far :). and I can use some support like this :).Who-sane, wish I can know all those anonymous, the ones with hatred messages, and the ones with good support.


  27. what the hell just happened here ^^^ !!! well , here’s what i think about this : Just take a look at some of the comments on this page to see that Jordanians will not accept or understand such an idea, although I think it’s a great idea but I don’t think it’s doable.And btw I don’t see anything immoral about this , the real immoral thing is seeing Jordanians die out of starvation , ya3ni lets face it , Jordan is a relatively poor country with no resources , and an idea like the observer’s will probably bring billions to Jordan and will save lives .@ ppl who are saying that it will never work because of religions and history : well , history is one of the main reasons that this WILL work , in fact , I think that this idea can ONLY work in Jordan because of jordan’s history and that’s something that we need to take advantage of .


  28. Anonymous1 that is. Am just to lazy to set up a google account plus I think that starting my comment with a name doesn’t say much about me anyway! Back to the point…Observer, I didn’t get much of what u meant with that “society rigid rules”. Did u read that line in a book or u came up with it by urself?:))About 96% of the people in this country are muslim & they will tell u that the gay pilgrimage idea is absurd. Simply because it is not compliant with Islam. It’s not even an issue people can just turn a blind eye on just because it brings money to the economy! Further, even if it were to happen, how much benefit would it bring anyway? What’s the world gay population? How many of them will want to visit? How much are they willing to spend? How will the money they spend circulate in the economy & will it reach the poor Jordanians?I say Jordan needs to build a sustainable economy on all fronts which means creating long-term and continuing sources of income. Not gay pilgrimage!!We don’t have much resources in this country but neither did the Japanese in the 50’s yet they became a leading economy!!


  29. “I haven’t mentioned legalizing prostitution. It is an entirely different matter which I would gladly discuss in another post. It has its own benefits and shortages. Gay tourism is different than prostitution, you know that right?”You didn’t get my point! … sometimes, your surprise me how perceptive you are … and other times… well whatever


  30. ma7joob, good points. People just freak out when they here something they are not used to. I am glad there are people in Jordan who are open minded enough to listen, think and then response in a mature polite manner. Thanks man.Anonymous1, i meant to say by society rigid rules is those rules we expect everyone to abide with without noticing that each individual of us is different. What does it matter to you if i came up with it or read it in a book?! Anyway if your sarcasm managed to get you a samile of thinking yourself smart, then good for you.As for 96% of the jordanians being muslims. Do you have any idea how many of those are muslims only by name? how many of those are moderate muslims who are tolerante to other people’s differences? and how many of those are extremists?How many is the gay population? statistics say 10% of the global population. That make them hundreds of millions.How many are willing to come? It would depend on what we offer and how we advertise.How much would they spend? Obviously according to researches, they spend more than a typical straight tourist because they have more disposal money on their hands.Qwaider, i dont know what to tell you man. I though i got your point!


  31. anonymous1. Observer, I rest my case on this topic. We obviously have a different way of thinking.But please don’t be too philosophic about things. I was being scarcastic coz I don’t like when people use those fancy words like extremist, individuality, open minded, terrorists and so on…the reason: people hear those words and start using them without actually knowing what they mean & where they apply. If u use any word u come accross that sounds sophisticated, then u r quite shallow. I personally like to use practical language. Word definitions as they r used today:Open minded: A Jordanian person who thinks like westerners because he regards them as sophisticated and advanced people. He’s usually tolerant to all aspects of western life and he’s proud to lead such lifestyle. What the word literally means is being open to all kinds of ideas and willing to go along with the practical ones. In Islam, however, one can be open minded to a certain extent because there are clearly defined boundaries on experimenting with most aspects of living be it modern life or former ways of living.Extremist: Mostly applied to true muslims who r blamed just for being intact with their religion. The true meaning of the word is someone who takes matters to the extreme without being bound to do so.More definitions available on demand:)Observer, I don’t mean, in any way, to be offensive here. Just expressing an opinion like everyone else:)Cheers:)


  32. Observer,I like your forward thinking, the idea is fantastic, the dead sea is a natural resource in Jordan that isn’t currently utilized to its full potential. I think that your idea supersedes all the other touristic ideas that have been tried and failed. Using the dead sea as a pilgrimage place for gay people have a great potential for growth and revenue generating project. I hope that some capital venturist out there is reading what we are writing here, if he or she can invest the appropriate amount of money to get the project moving the return on the investment can be phenomenal. I’ll be the first one to buy shares in this venture because I know for sure that my money will be invested in a risk free secured revenue generating project.Those people that are talking about a backlash from the society don’t know what they are talking about and living in complete denial. The natural asset pilgrimage location is no different that Mecca in Saudi Arabia and no different than the Buddhist temples in India, or Najf and Karbala in Iraq, they all are pilgrimage places and they all have people that would always want to go and pay respect to whatever belief they have or consider as holy. I’m almost sure that once the gays learn about the history of the two cities that formed the dead sea they would be very curious about advancing their exploration of what happened there and what can they do to make this place as part of their ritual individually and collectively. As far as advancing the economic situation for Jordan, there is no one single-project that I know of that will resolve all of the economic woes in Jordan, it must be a series of projects, a collaborative effort if you will, and this one is just one more effort no more no less, it isn’t the one and only solution but it sure is an addition to the other attempts by variety of interested people. We care about Jordan and the well being of Jordan as much as you do but it doesn’t mean that just because the idea doesn’t suit your own personal belief you turn it around and twist it up side down and try to demonize it and vilify it. This is a good idea in my opinion I think that it needs to be researched further and I think that it has a great potential for succeeding in no time.


  33. Fadi Fadi Fadi,Nothing about human rights here, I live in Toronto, it is the capital of gays in Canada, there’s an annual gay pride parade and it does not bother me one bit. It works, but it works FOR TORONTO.All I said is Jordan is not ready, it’s not a very good idea because it does not and WILL not fit the culture, period. And it will turn into something ugly.How about we work on this first before we dream about impractical ideas:In Amman I can’t walk down the street without being whistled at, talked to or whatever it is people do, don’t you think we should start fixing that so we can get more tourists in without them being stared at or harassed.You know me Fadi, I am for human rights all the way. For gay rights all the way and dreaming is nice, but does not make it a good idea that’s all. And I agree, I usually agree with you , but not this time 🙂


  34. anonymous1, I am sorry if I sound phylosophical for you. It is funny because I usually try not to use fancy words in my writings. I percieve my writings to be simple and straight to the point. I understand that words can mean different things to different people, so I guess that I am using them in the way most people are used to understand what they do imply. You are welcome to critisize and correct me anytime you find there is a need to it. Cheers for you as well 🙂anonymous2, you have put it in a very good way. Yes, I totally agree, such a project wont be a miraculous solution to all of our problems where everyone would be rich in Jordan! But it would help in generating much more money that would affect many lives and help many here. Maybe one day, when the atmosphere is better around here, we would go on and implement it. I certainly hope we do that.7aki Fadi, I guess that we agree on this as well eventhough it sounds that we dont! 🙂I mean that yes, I understand oue culture, and I understand how hard it would be presenting this idea and going further with it. And yes, I do understand what you say about sexual street harassers and the need of us on working on that.My idea is just an idea for now, and most probably would be like this for years to come. I am sure if someone wanted to start such project, some measurment would be taken in order to prepare that people of Jordan to accept it. We have many problems here, I just try to tackle what I feel like I can add some input to it on my blog.It might be wrong starting such project now, but this can be an excellent idea in the near future. Our society evolves so fast. We are not aware of how many changes the Satellite channels and the Internet have done in the past couple of years.


  35. Reading all those comments is mentally exhausting.To people who think that Fadi is gay: Worry about straight people who are rapists, drug dealers and psychopaths before you worry about homosexuals. Regarding it being 7aram, Allah said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Lasta 3alayhom bi mosayter”. So live and let live, it is a gay’s choice to be gay and it is between them and God to deal with it.Now on to the actual topic, I have a lot of different points of view (both for and against your proposal), but I will just sum them all up in a sentence: At one point in history, people going to space, let alone landing on the moon, was nothing but a crazy and absurd idea.


  36. offff that was brain-consumingalot of points i hope i will be able to put them all :1- I dont know if you believe in Quraan , but i do … and when it says that they were homosexuals … i take it for granted.2- Since they where condemned and damned because they were homos. i dont think it would be a great idea to bring them back.3- you wanna be gay (not u i mean any human) let urself be. just do not relate a whole country with ur sexual orientation ( as a Gay Mecca ) … 99 % of the population wouldn’t like their country to be branded as Homoland … so u dont have a choice really4- we have tourist attractions and one of the best in the world … Petra ! Dead Sea ! lets use that and then we can look for other sources … even with those unique and historical places we couldnt market ourselves … you want us to promote ourselfs as a land of the dykes ?? and u think it would work ??5- do u really think that Tailand is a good example to follow ??6- if your sister was a homosexual … would you let her go the “pilgrimage” ?


  37. Isam Abu Salhieh,I will try my best to answer your questions:1. No, with all respect, I don’t believe in Quran. I don’t think that the term homosexuality was known back when the Quran was written. Maybe you can go back to the versus and look closer. Sometimes versus means different than what we percieve them. 2. I don’t believe that they were condemned for being homos. Homosexuality isn’t a choice. It is a clear reality. I don’t think God would condemn people for who being who they are.3. I am not asking for relating a whole country with a sexual orientation. I am presenting an idea of using the amount of money gay tourism can generate. 4. The more touristic places, the better. We have another unique history documented about those two cities. Why not use? 5. Sorry, I am not expert in Thailand affair. You may enlighten me. 6. If she is, sure I would, if she wants to. It would be a nice unique experience for her. What is this question for?


  38. Fadi,I think that you need to register your idea with the Jordanian authorities offices of intellectual property.You never know after all of this discussion someone might steal the idea and run with it, and you will gain nothing, but if you attach some kind a patent to it it will stay yours forever and no one can duplicate it without an explicit consent from you.


  39. wow u like opening this “can of worms” time and time again.btw why do people assume everyone is a Muslim, they don’t even read their blogs and comment out of the bloom.I would actually like to add to the idea. if they manage to open up the 2 seas (red and dead) they will able to hold cruises around the whole area. that way you can promote the idea safely so i guess they can push for gay cruises of sorts, LOL i think thats taking it too seriously but am trying to find a justification for posting this.i wonder how much holocaust museums generate since this plays on the same idea side note: jordan can’t accept a women (a tourist) in a g-string ! so it will be kinda tough on them to accept that one.I wonder what happened to the nudist beach we had here, that was nice and different, and an appalling site for many too ENJOY !


  40. Anonymous 6:05 PM, do you think so? Can I do that? 😛No_angel, I wonder what happened to the nude beach as well! Are you referring to the one in the Spa hotel at the dead sea? I remember 12 years ago while being with a school trip to the dead sea how the guys made much fun by poking between the woods to see the nude people behind it! lol


  41. Dear Observer :1- Since you know nothing about Quran it’s better not to “think” that there is a term in it or not . if you understand Arabic read this if you dont read the translation of the verse (look for it) :ولوطا إذ قال لقومه أتأتون الفاحشة ما سبقكم بها من أحد من العالمين، إنكم لتأتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل أنتم قوم مسرفون، وما كان جواب قومه إلا أن قالوا أخرجوهم من قريتكم إنهم أناس يتطهرون، فأنجيناه وأهله إلا امرأته كانت من الغابرين، وأمطرنا عليهم مطرا فانظر كيف كان عاقبة المجرمينالآيات 80-84 الأعرافif that isn’t a reference to Homosexuality i dont know what is.2- As far as I’m concerned the verse explains why they were damned.3- You truely think that Hosting a Homosexual International Forum every year wouldn’t brand a country ?? What do you remember when you hear Davos ? Camp David ? San Francisco ? Rio ? 4- yeah the more the merrier … maybe we should turn Al Karama into a tourist attraction to the israeles so they can remember where they came from … oh wait maybe we can, after the palestienian right of return is forgotten, turn Refugee Camps into touristic attractions, it would be just awesome !5- Look it up man, am not here to explain the world to ya.6- Nothing , just a casual question.just to let you know, You give liberals a bad name brotha ….and to think of something like that … Homoesexuality must be your main cause … and not the bloodshed of your fellow “arabs” Mr. Arab Observer.و في هذه اللحظات ما بقدر إلا أهديك أغنية زباد رحباني :أنا والله بدي هنيكو يعني هني أهلك فيكعالنضافة بالمواقفو عالمواقف بالسياسةو على كل شي بدو تن**كبهنيكبهني نفسي فيك


  42. Isam abu Salhieh, I will answer you with respect, although I sense some lack of in your reply to me :(.I haven’t said that I know nothing about the Quran. I just know enough to say that some versus can be interpreted literally and others metphorically and some have different interpretations accoding to the scholars. Is that right?Now to the verse you copied. It can’t be homosexuality that God is talking about because there are historical evidence that Homosexuality existed before that (check out Iraq and Greek history) so they are not the first ones doing it. Then if you look closely to the verse, dont you think that God might be condemning straight men engaging in same-sex act (like what happens in Saudi Arabia for the lack of the opposite sex) rather than condeming homosexuals who are acting upon their nature? Just think about it.Homosexuality isn’t my only cause. It is the rights people in Jordan that I defend whether they are gay, women, children, poor, ..etc. I speak up my mind and say what I see right no matter how bad others think of it.


  43. Observer :No disrespect intended. but you didnt answer my points , I am one hell of a debater so you will suffer. about the “tafseer” if the Quran. what you said is true of course. there could be different interpetations to the Quran. but in this verse you won’t find any ! its too abvious. look the interpetation and focus on the word “بل” and its meanings.and you mentioned that it couldnt be about homosexuality that Allah damned those people ?? Who are you to say that ?? unless I am Moses i think i cannot be talking to Allah right now.Allah says in his book (sorry i couldnt rememeber the verse number) that he wont punish a nation unless he sends a messenger to guide them to the right way. so maybe he didnt send messengers to people in Iraq or wherever for some divine reason.This is a losing cause man , you better quit and save the water of your face. Concentrate on something that is vital to your nation at the moment … then come waste your energy on things like these.This discussion is over.Good Luck Mr. Arab I agree with you on most of your posts ,,, but you got it wrong this time … and people make mistakes you’re only human … admit it and move on ! back to your thoughtful posts before …peace


  44. I just don’t understand those people who always try to use Islam to catapult their own vice. What business do they have with someone trying to promote tourism in Jordan? I understand that Jordan is a Muslim country but so is Indonesia, it is much larger Muslim country than Jordan and it doesn’t seem to have a problem with gays going to Bali. It is like gays are monstrous people, in fact gays are very respectable people that mind their own business and don’t bother anybody. I’m not trying here to promote the industry of gayism as I’m a heterosexual straight person that never had nor will ever have any gayish tendencies. All I’m saying is that gays aren’t going to change the make up of the Jordanian society if they come to make a pilgrimage in the Dead Sea, they will be a seasonal visitors just like our summer visitors from the Gulf States, Europe, or the United States. They aren’t going to have any emblems printed on their foreheads verifying them as gays. They look, behave, and go about doing their business just like regular people. Why are we taking this egregious hostile stand against them is beyond my fathoming. In Jordan we need all kinds of people, the straight, the gays, the bisexuals, the lesbians, and the transsexual. Our society can absorb all of them with no problem. We have absorbed the Iraqis, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, the Russians, the Armenians, the Palestinians, the Sudanese, the Romanian, the Polish, and many more nationalities that I don’t need to keep listing to make my point. I’m almost sure that many of those people are gays and lesbian and bisexual, and just because they kept their behavior discrete doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. So why make a big fuss about a good idea that will benefit Jordan and to make the refusal more egregious using Islam to justify your rejection. Come on people, Islam is about your relationship with your God, go and worship your God day and night if you want, it has nothing to do with tourism it has nothing to do with the way you are leading your Islamic way of life, gays aren’t going to stop you from following any of the five pillars of Islam, so why use Islam as a pretext to tear asunder a very good idea. All those people that use Islam make me sick, give me some other logical excuse that I can stomach, but to tell me that Jordan is an Islamic state and something like gay pilgrimage will not work is just beyond the pale.


  45. i am a straight person… but after reading Jo Magazine i was shocked. why can’t you leave people alone… let them be, get busy with something positive; something that could benefit the world. as long as the guys are picking at other people’s bumms, not yours. let them be!!!! i am sure all of you get off when u see to girls getting it on… just let people be… the arab world will not progress if you keep on being stubborn and close minded!!!!


  46. I really don’t get this. Fadi proposed an idea, he didn’t really force anybody into accepting this. I still can’t understand why Arabs are so strongly against homosexuality, especially those who claim to be “liberal”. And what’s even more appalling, is how some losers started accusing the guy of being gay, sometimes, from people that are perceived among Jordanians as gay. First of all, that’s none of anybody’s business.The guy suggested an idea. You either say that you don’t like it and move on with your life. Or just shut your mouth. No need for accusations, no need to start pointing fingers, and certainly there is no need to start insulting the guy.Personally, I only think that Fadi’s mistake was to share this piece of opinion with such people. Certainly, this just shows how we really lack respect, and at least the decency to hold conversations in a civilized manner. But anyway, we are anything but civilized. Just because we have a couple of Starbucks’ and 36-storey buildings certainly doesn’t make us civilized.If it is any consolation for anybody. What’s really interesting about these people, is that they normally forget, that their father, sister or brother could be gay or lesbian. And only then, will they understand how does it feel like to be the person on the other side of the fence. Just something ponder about, and yeah, if you’re oh so righteous, then at least follow the most basic rule of Islam and Christianity, that states you must treat people the way you wish to be treated.


  47. Pheras, very well said. Thanks. I can’t really understand those people who get all worked out and adhere to attacks when they hear something that doesn’t suit them! Fortunatly those are not the majority. They are only few who are cowardace enough to hide behind their anonymous id!


  48. Dear FadiU r always surprising me with ur support to homosexual rights in JordanI totally agree with this revolutionary idea, and hope one day to see it real and beneficial to Jordan economy, I quoted all of your post and put in my blog coz I want to know what other gays think about this revolutionary idea?!, plz Fadi forget about all of the homophobic comments that’s attack u personally, I’m sure that u have enough tolerance to ignore themSorry coz I’m always late in my comments!!and big thank u for u r courage in talking about controversy subjects


  49. Did you know that studies have confirmed that people who are the most homophobic are themselves homosexual.In order to repress their thoughts and make sure others dont attack them they go out on the defensive. So to all those violent homophobes out there please get laid and get off our back. Just because you’ve never got a decent fuck in your life doesnt mean you have the right to take it out on us.


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  51. Hey
    Just to interject here… the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah (at least in JEWUSH interpretation) was NOT homosexuality! You can pick up any Christian Bible or Jewish Tanakh and see this for yourself.
    The sin of Sodom and Gommorah was INHOSPITALITY… NOT homosexuality.
    Good luck


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