The original sin concept

The original sin inheritance concept of Christianity does require some faith from Christian themselves in order to swallow what would seem to be an unfair inheritance dictated by their holy God. Other people outside Christianity do point out the unfairness in such a concept of being born as a little baby while holding the original sin of Adam and Eve.

My post here isn’t meant to either defend this concept from a Christianity point of view as I am not a religious person, or to bash the unfairness of such a concept from another point of view.

What I am seeking here is merely to state my observation of nature and how much inheritance affects our lives more than we realize.

It is just how nature works. Regradless of the truth about inheritance sins, we do inherit a pool of genes that recent studies proved the relation of such genes with various human behaviours. A person is more likely to have diabetes because his parents are suffering from it. Is this fair? Perhaps not, but this is how nature works.

A person born to a poor family would most likely suffer in his life from the shortage of money more than a person born to a rich family. In general this what happens. Sure some special cases occurs when some rich families lose their money, or a poor person winning lottery or working hard to achieve a better living. But it has been dictated since his birth a set of inherited social structure that he had to deal with. Is this fair? Perhaps not, but this what happens.

People grow up learning their values and moral structure mainly from their parents or the people who were responsible of teaching them in their childhood. Someone born in Jordan is more likely to get an Islamic teaching and grow up with Islamic values rathen than someone living in Italy where it is more likely for him to get Christian teachings and values. Is this fair? Perhaps not, but this is life.

Is the inheritance of sins less fair than the inheritance of genes, social structure, or a person’s set of morals? I personally don’t think so, because each in a way dictates a person’s life on earth, and his eternal life for those who believe in it.


  1. The inheritance of genes is not the same as the inheritance of sins, neither is the inheritance of poverty, because of a simple fact; you inherit physical things in nature, it’s not the norm to inherit non-physical stuff! It’s not the norm in nature to inherit your father’s crimes, even in the most unfair artificial regimes no one inherits the crimes of his father if his father died before getting punished!

    Moreover, people don’t inherit their ancestors tempers or characters, they might do so, but it’s not what happens normally, the same thing applies (from my point of view) to sins.

    There are some things in every faith that you have to take for granted, especially in faiths like major religions, the more logic you try to put in originally-non-logical concepts, the more uncomfortable you become.


  2. I don’t think you were successful or objective in projecting this issue.
    All the examples you gave didn’t include anything that says, You are inheriting a conduct. In other words, inheriting a disease, the social issues is one thing, but inheriting a conduct is another.
    The “Original Sin” inheritance is just like saying the son of a thief will be a thief too.
    However convenient that may be for the son of the thief (to blame it on his inherited genes, he didn’t want it and had nothing to do with it) it’s just not the case.
    The Islamic rule of “لا تزر وازرة وزر اخرى” Or no two sins are related or is a derivative of another. Which by definition means. You are not held to blame for ancestral sins. Not even your own unrelated sins. Each one is measured and “punished/rewarded” separately. Which gives a lot or room for repenting.


  3. pbuy all..

    i dont agree with omar in one thing, there has to be no originally-non-logic concepts, one has to embrace the creed that he can fully understand, because faith and religion is about what you are going to face in the afterlife. in this life we should not take decisions with a hazy understanding, it would be a risky situation i think.

    another point.. am a muslim, and i have no problem if am not going to heaven according to another religion; it like a nature of religions, but i cannot understand why my brother who died at the age of 10 month should not?! did he do anything wrong since he was born?. i believe one of the most important properties things about God (Allah) is that he is fair (in an absolute way). he didnt create us to start life with negative credit. your deeds can be judged as right or wrong only when you can fully tell the difference (when you’re a mature).

    thank you observer for discussing such an issue with such a calm and logical fashion



  4. Omar, Qwaider, Amr, I can see that all of you disagree with me, which is good cause you all brought up some points that I would gladly discuss.

    First, I would like to say that I don’t think any bad inheritance is fair. I mean whether it is a defective gene, poverty or sins. It is just seem not to be fair for the person inheriting.

    Genes and poverty have no less of an effect on a person’s after life than a single sin inheritance.

    I mean for example someone born with a defective gene that puts his at a higher risk of getting addicted to alcohol, or a gene that affects someone sexuality as of being homosexual. In both cases, the person is more likely to sin and be condemned of what he is doing more than another person who doesn’t have such genes.

    Poverty is the same. A person in poverty is more likely to steal out of hunger than someone who is fulfilled. A person in poverty is less likely to get the amount of education and care to become a constructive member in society rather than someone with better conditions.

    A person born for an atheist is more likely to become one rather than a person born to a muslim parents.

    See what I mean? We do inherit worse than sins. Have you read my post about Memes?

    The effect of our ancestor choices do appear in our lives.

    Unfortunatly Qwaider, people do blame the son of a theif and do try to stay away untill he proves to be different that his father. In life, he does pay for his father’s actions.

    Amr, I also don’t understand why a person dying at the age of 10 months can’t go to heaven. Maybe it is a punishment for the father.

    Unfortunatly we do come to life with negative credit, maybe not in terms of sins which is a christian idea, but in reality some do come to life with negative credit in terms of genes, social structure, and their place of living….


  5. A bit late in the game, but I found your post interesting.

    Original sin isn’t only a Christian concept, it originates in Judaism. See Psalm 51 where King David cries out “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me” after being confronted with his murderous adultery by Nathan the prophet.

    The whole Levitical system points toward atoning sacrifice for sin – and the whole Torah points to a Messiah who would provide it for all who will receive his offering.

    Most Christians believe that God’s mercy would not allow a young child to suffer an eternity apart from God before they are old enough to truly seek him. That there is an age of accountability by which they must then stand on their choice to follow Christ or reject him.

    Your point is interesting, in that I believe there is always physical example of spiritual truth in life to point to God’s character and active involvment in drawing every individual back to Himself – so He will have followers who rejoice n his presence by choice.

    Yet there is great wisdom to be found in Exodus (chapter 20:5&6) “I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers on the children to the third and forth generation of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.”

    Even those who hate God will have sinful characteristics passed down a few generations (grandfather/father/son), giving new chances for grace, but 1,000s of generations who choose to love will have benefit of God’s great mercy.

    God’s mercy triumphs over His judgement.


  6. Hey Kinzi, you know what they say? Better late than never.

    It is a good addition what you have said. I am aware that the concept in Christianity is derived from the old testemonial, but I didn’t know the Jewiesh point of view. I guess they have it as well.

    As you quoted. The concept is clearly stated in Exodus.

    Even for non believers, that effects of the parents lifes can be clearly seen on the children.

    Whether it is a God’s, or a nature law. One can’t deny its existance.


  7. The original sin concept. I believe that there is a wrong translation of the Bible in that sense (which I prefer that happened) or something is wrong someplace. My father was an alcoholic, I am not. In the religious sense, here is the answer Jesus gave to that question 2,009 years ago, which comes to mind: Was Jesus really God on earth? Here it is:John 9:1-25 As he walked along, he saw a man blind from birth. [2] His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [3] Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him.You be the judge and remember, Jesus said this approximately 2,009 years ago.RicardoPuerto Rico


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